Appendix 1


At the request of the Air Force the FBI interviewed Fred Johnson who had confirmed Arnold's sighting of unidentified objects near Mount Rainier. Their report was discovered when the FBI responded to a Freedom of Information Act request made in 1976.

Freedom of Information Act

Addendum Sightings

17.06.52 McChord AFB, Washington. Between 7:30 and 10:20 p.m. Witnesses: many and varied. From one to five large silver-yellow objects flew erratically, stopped and started for about 15 minutes.

23.06.52 McChord AFB, Washington, 9pm. Witness: 2nd Lt. K Thompson. One very large bright light flew straight and level for ten minutes.

28.07.1952 McChord AFB, Washington, 2:15am. Witnesses T/Sgt. Walstead, S/Sgt. Calkins of the 635th AC&W Squadron. One dull, glowing, blue green ball, the size of a dime at arms' length, flew very fast, straight and level.

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(1) Daily Telegraph, 22nd August 1946.

(2) The UFO Phenomenon p 27.

(3) Flammonde, Paris, UFOs Exist! pp. 127-34, G P Putnam's Sons, New York 1976.

(4) Arnold.

(5) Project Blue Book.

(6) Good, T Beyond Top Secret p. 459.

(7) Pflock, Karl, Roswell In Perspective pp.119-126, 1994. Reproduced in Good 461.

(8) Good, T Beyond Top Secret p. 461.

(9) US Air Force The Roswell Report. Case Closed US Government Printing Office 1997.

(10) Mysteries of the Universe p. 210.

(11) Palmer, Raymond The Real UFO Invasion p 156, Greenleaf Classics Inc., California 1967).

(12) FBI FOIA letters available from the Fair-Witness Project.

(13) Arnold, Kenneth, The Maury Island Episode p.41 Proceedings of the First International UFO Congress, Warner Books, New York, 1980.

(14) Everitt, Eldon, Saucers Over Puget Sound, Flying Saucers p.59 Issue #30, July-August 1958.

(15) Everett, Eldon, Saucers Over Puget Sound, p. 59 Flying Saucers Issue #30 July-August 1958.)

(16) Arnold, Kenneth and Ray Palmer, The Coming of the Saucers, p.84 Amherst Press, Wisconsin, 1952.

(17) Ruppelt, Edward J The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects p.40 Ace Books, New York, 1956.

(18) Condon, Edward, Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects pp. 79-80, Dutton & Co, New York, 1968.

(19) FBI FOIA Letters available from Fair-Witness Project, 4219 W. Olive St., Suite # 247, Burbank California, CA 91505.

(20) FBI FOIA Letters available from Fair-Witness Project, 4219 W. Olive St., Suite # 247, Burbank California, CA 91505)

(21) Crisman, Fred, Fate, v.3 #1p5, 1950.

(22) Arnold, Kenneth, The Maury Island Episode, pp. 31-41 Proceedings of the First International UFO Congress, Warner Books, New York, 1980.

(23) FBI FOIA Letters available from Fair-Witness Project, 4219 W. Olive St., Suite # 247, Burbank California, CA 91505.

(24) Gold, Dr. Jon (Pseud. Fred Crisman) Murder of a City, Transistor Publishing, Washington, 1970.

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