The first image shows what Antarctica would look like without ice. The second is the Bauche Map of
Antarctica. Whilst no more accurate that other contemporary maps of that period, it is barely conceivable that the water channel between the two halves of
Antarctica could be guessed at by a map maker who should not have even known the existence of the continent when the map was drawn in 1763 as its first recorded sighting was in 1820.
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(1) Flem-Ath, Rand and Rose, When the Sky Fell p.74,
Orion, London 1995.
(2) Including Dr Jack Hough of Illinois University, supported by Carnegie Institution experts, Washington DC, and John G Weihaupt, a University of Colorado specialist in seismology, gravity and planetary geology, (Eos, the Proceedings of the American Geophysical Union, August, 1984.)
(3) Brooks, C E P., Climate Through the Ages p245 McGraw-Hill, New York 1949.
(4) Antarctica, Great Stories From The Frozen Continent p. 27
Readers Digest, 1985.
(5) Umbgrove, J H F, The Pulse of the Earth, p263 Second Edition, Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, 1947.
(6) Science, 6th May 1994, Vol. 264.
(8) Chamberlain, R T., Origin and History of the Earth in The World and Man as Science Sees Them. Ed. F R Moulton, p80 Doubleday, Garden City 1937
(9) Hapgood, C H., Earth's Shifting Crust pp59-60, Museum Press Ltd, London 1959.
(10) Henry, Thomas R, The White Continent p113, 1950 New York William Sloane Associates.
(11) Ice On the World Nat Geographic Jan 1987 P95.
(12) Kolosimo, Peter, Not of This World p83, Sphere, 1971
(13) Ice On the World Nat Geographic Jan 1987 P95.
(14) Henry, Thomas R Poles Wander; Earth Crust Falls Off 27th January 1952 North American Newspaper Alliance.
(15) Saks, N V, Belov, N A, and Lapina, N N Our Present Concepts of the Geology of the Central Arctic. Translated by E R Hope from Priroda, Defence Scientific Information Service, Defence Research Board, Ottawa, Canada, 10th October 1955.
(16) Ice On the World Nat Geographic Jan 1987 P95.
(17) Henry, Thomas R, The White Continent p113, 1950 New York William Sloane Associates.
(18) Hapgood, Charles, Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings p.55 rev ed., Turnstone Press, London 1979.
(19) Ibid
(20) Ibid
(21) Monasterky, R., Science News 13th December 1996, also Sandwell Dr D., Discovery, 6th November 1995.
(22) Hapgood, Charles, Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings p. 226 rev ed., Turnstone Press, London 1979.
(23) Ibid p.225
(24) Ice On the World Nat Geographic Jan 1987 p.96.
(25) Ibid.
(26) Ibid.
(27) Ibid.
(28) The Guardian, 31st March 1998.
(29) Ibid.
(30) Drewry, D J (Ed) Antartica: Glaciological and Geophysical Folio Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge.
(31) Ibid.
(32) Antarctica, Great Stories From The Frozen Continent p. 68 Readers Digest, 1985.
(33) Ibid.
(34) Ibid.
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