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(1) Area 51 - The True Story DD 1996Video.
(2) US Army Air Forces, Air Intelligence Requirements Division, Assistant Chief of Air Staff for Intelligence 'Flying Discs' 30th July 1947.
(3) FBI Memo 8th August 1947.
(4) FBI Memo, 19th August 1947.
(5) Good, T., Beyond Top Secret p. 317.
(6) Moore, William, Crashed UFOs: Evidence In The Search For Proof William L. Moore Publications and Research, 4219 W. Olive Street, Suite 247, Burbank, California, 1985.
(7) Good, T., Beyond Top Secret p. 317.
(8) Ibid.
(9) Jacobs, The UFO Controversy p156.
(10) Fortean Times.
(11) Ibid.
(12) Ibid.
(13) Ibid.
(14) US Air Force, Air Material Command, Unidentified Ariel Objects: Project SIGN, no. F-TR 2274, IA Feb 1949, Records of the US Air Force Commands, Activities and Organisations, Record Group 341, National Archives, Washington DC.
(15) US Air Force, Projects GRUDGE and BLUEBOOK Reports 1-12, National Investigations Committee On Ariel Phenomena 1968, and Jacobs, 'The UFO Controversy', pp. 50-54.
(16) Clark, Ralph L., Acting Assistant Director OSI memorandum to DDI Robert Amory, Jr, 29th July 1952.
(17) Klass, Philip J, UFOs: The Public Deceived pp17-18, Prometheus, New York 1983.
(18) Slate, B Ann and Druffel Ann, UFOs and the CIA Cover-up UFO Report Vol. 2 No 4 p20, New York 1975.
(19) Keyhoe, Major Donald E, Aliens From Space p 87 Panther Books, St. Albans, 1975.(20) Stringfield, Leonard H., Situation Red p168 Sphere, 1978.
(21) Ibid.
(22) Ruppelt, Cpt. Edward, The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects p.8 Doubleday, New York 1956.
(23) Saunders, Dr. David R, and Harkins, R Roger, UFOs? Yes! Where the Condon Committee Went Wrong, p105 Signet, New York 1968.
(24) See Edwin M Ashcraft, Chief, Contact Division (Scientific), memorandum to Chief, Chicago Office Radio Code Recording 4th Marc 1955, and Ashcraft, memorandum to Chief, Support Branch, OSI, 17th March 1955.
(25) See George O. Forrest, Chief, Chicago Office, memorandum to Chief, Contact Division for Science, 11th March 1955.
(26) See Support Division (Connell) memorandum to Dewelt E Walker, 25th April 1957.
(27) See J. Arnold Shaw, Assistant to the Director, letter to Davidson 10th May 1957.
(28) See Support (Connell) memorandum to Lt. Col. V Skakich, 27th August 1957 and Lamountain, memorandum to Support (Connell), 20th December 1957.
(29) See Skakich cable to Connell, 9th October 1957.
(30) See R P B Lohmann, memorandum for Chief, Contact Division, DO, 9th January 1958.
(31) See Support, cable to Skakich, 20th February 1958 and Connell (Support) cable to Lamountain, 19th December 1957.
(32) Good, T., Beyond Top Secret p. 358.
(33) Ibid.
(34) Flammonde, Paris, The Age of Flying Saucers pp114-16, Hawthorn Books, New York 1971. (35) Keyhoe, Major Donald E., Aliens From Space p. 103, Panther Books, St. Albans, 1975. (36) Marchetti, Victor, How the CIA Views the UFO Phenomenon. Second Look, Vol. 1 No 7, Washington, DC, May 1979. (37) Edwards, Frank, Flying Saucers - Here and Now!, pp. 42-43 Lyle Stuart, New York 1967. (38) Scheflin and Opton, Mind Manipulators p. 241. (39) Miller, Merle, Plain Speaking: an Oral Biography of Harry S. Truman pp. 391-2, New York. (40) Keel, John A., The UFO Evidence Everyone Ignores Saga, June 1973.
(41) Trench, Brinsley, Secret of the Ages p149, Souvenir Press, England 1974. (42) Salemi, J. C., L'Adventure de J. M. Ondes Vives, August 1973 quoting from the journal Hebdo, 31st March 1973. (43) NASA, Information Summaries: Astronaut Fact Book 31st March 1997. (44) Hanohano, Kalani and Katiuska Notorious Fred Crisman Part II p. 33, UFO Magazine, v. 9. #1 1994. (45) Press Release 31st October 1968. (46) The Investigations of the assassination of President John F Kennedy, Hearings Before the Select Committee on Assassinations of the United States House of Representatives, 95th Congress, 2nd Session, Vol. I, pp 120-121; Vol. IV, pp 22-26 and 376-383; Vol. VI, pp 257-273. (47) Saunders, David R., and Harkins, R. Roger, UFOs? Yes! pp 23-24, World Publishing Company, NY 1968. (48) Edwards, Frank, Flying Saucers - Here and Now! p. 95, Lyle Stuart Inc, New York, 1967. (49) McDonald, James, E. Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects. Hearings before the Committee on Science and Astronautics, US House of Representatives, 29th July 1968. Washington, DC: Us Government Printing Office p. 31, 1968. (50) Edwards, Frank, 'Flying Saucers - Here and Now!' p. 20-21, Lyle Stuart Inc., New York, 1967. (51) O'Neil, Paul, "It Wasn't No Hallucination", said the Farmer, and 52 Agree, LIFE, April 1966 as reprinted in Hearings By The Committee on Armed Services, US House of representatives, 5th April 1966 p. 6064, US Government Printing Office, Washington DC, 1966. (52) Ibid p. 6065. (53) Blum, Ralph and Blum, Judy Beyond Earth p. 158 Corgi, London 1977. (54) Saunders, David R., and Harkins, R. Roger, UFOs? Yes! p. 25, World Publishing Company, NY 1968 referring to the hearings by the Armed Services Committee, 5th April 1966, p. 5995. (55) Saunders, David R., and Harkins, R. Roger, FOs? Yes! pp. 242-43. Appendix A, World Publishing Company, NY 1968. (56) Ibid. (57) Fawcett, Larry and Greenwood, Barry, Clear Intent: The Government Cover-up of the UFO Experience. Pp. 139-140 Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 1984. (58) Harder, Dr. James, UFO Secrecy: The International Dimension, APRO Bulletin pp. 6-7, Vol. 32, No. 4. (59) Condon, Edward U, Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects p. 1, Bantam Books, New York, 1969. (60) The UFO Phenomenon, p.116. (61) Blum, Ralph and Blum, Judy Beyond Earth p. 169 Corgi, London 1977. (62) Sullivan, Walter, Scientists Seek Air Force UFO Data New York Times, 27th December 1969 p. 18. (63) Heywood Advertiser, editorial, 15th July 1989. (64) Camberley News 15th March 1963. (65) Good, pp41-42. Daily Express, London 7th November 1967; Falla, Geoffrey, Vehicle Interference Project BUFORA, 1979. (66) Ibid p. 46. (67) Ibid pp 47-48. (68) Hobana, Ion and Weverbergh, Julien UFOs From Behind the Iron Curtain p. 25 Souvenir Press, London 1974. (69) Creighton, Gordon: Dr Felix Zigel and the Development of Ufology in Russia - Part 1, Flying Saucer Review p 9, Vol. 27, No. 3 1981. (70) Good 235. (71) Brill, Joe, UFOs Behind The Iron Curtain Skylook, No. 86, Mutual UFO Network, January 1975. (72) Daily Telegraph, 1st June 1984, London. (73) UFO Mag. Sept 1996 p 16) (Incidently Air Force Colonel Mack McLaurin is head of the Pentagon's UFO Office. (74) The CIA and the Covert/Cult of Intelligence. (75) Area 51 - The True Story DD 1996 Video (76) Good, P451.
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