There are also more explicit reports of unusual phenomena. For example on 21st October 1978, a young, but experienced pilot, Frederick Valentich was flying his plane, Delta Sierra Juliet to King Island, midway between Cape Otway, Australia to Tasmania. At 7:06pm he contacted ground control at Melbourne Flight Service. Parts of the Flight Service transcript of the ensuing conversation appeared in Australian newspapers including the Sun and the Australian on the morning of 23rd October.
Pilot: MELBOURNE THIS IS DELTA SIERRA JULIET is there any known traffic below five thousand [feet]?
Flight Service Unit: DELTA SIERRA JULIET no known traffic.
Pilot: DELTA SIERRA JULIET I am seems [to] be a large aircraft below five thousand.
Flight Service Unit: DELTA SIERRA JULIET what type of aircraft is it?
Pilot: DELTA SIERRA JULIET I cannot affirm. It is four bright it seems to me like landing lights.
Flight Service Unit: DELTA SIERRA JULIET
Pilot: DELTA SIERRA JULIET the aircraft has just passed over me at least a thousand feet above.
Flight Service Unit: DELTA SIERRA JULIET roger and it is a large aircraft confirm.
Pilot: ... er unknown due to the speed its travelling is there any airforce aircraft in the vicinity?
Flight Service Unit: DELTA SIERRA JULIET no known aircraft in the vicinity.
Pilot: MELBOURNE, it's approaching from due east toward me.
Flight Service Unit: DELTA SIERRA JULIET
Pilot: DELTA SIERRA JULIET it seems to me that he's playing some sort of game he's flying over me two three times at a time at speeds I could not identify.
Flight Service Unit: DELTA SIERRA JULIET roger what is your actual level?
Pilot: My level is four and a half thousand four five zero zero.
Flight Service Unit: DELTA SIERRA JULIET roger what is your
actual level?
Pilot: My level is four and a half thousand four five zero zero.
Flight Support Unit: DELTA SIERRA JULIET and confirm you cannot identify the aircraft?
Pilot: Affirmative.
Flight Service Unit: DELTA SIERRA JULIET roger standby.
Pilot: MELBOURNE DELTA SIERRA JULIET it's not an aircraft it is // open microphone for two seconds //
Flight Service Unit: DELTA SIERRA JULIET can you describe the er, aircraft?
Pilot: DELTA SIERRA JULIET as it's flying past it's a long shape // open microphone for three seconds // [cannot] identify more than [that it has such speed] // open microphone for three seconds // before me right now Melbourne.
Flight Service Unit: DELTA SIERRA JULIET roger and how large would the, er object be?
Pilot: DELTA SIERRA JULIET MELBOURNE it seems like it's stationary what I'm doing right now is orbiting and the thing is just orbiting on top of me also it's got a green light and sort of metallic [like] it's all shiny [on] the outside. [Frederick Valentich in his Cessna 182 then told ground control that the object had apparently just vanished and then asked whether he had seen a type of military aircraft.]
Flight Service Unit DELTA SIERRA JULIET is the aircraft still with you?
Pilot: DELTA SIERRA JULIET [it's ah nor] // open microphone 2 seconds // [now] approaching from the southwest.
Continues ... Flight Service Unit: DELTA SIERRA JULIET
Pilot: DELTA SIERRA JULIET the engine is rough-idling I've got it set at twenty three twenty four and the thing is [coughing].
Flight Service Unit: DELTA SIERRA JULIET roger what are your intentions?
Pilot: My intentions are ah to go to King Island ah Melbourne that strange aircraft is hovering on top of me again // two seconds open microphone // it is hovering and it's not an aircraft.
There then followed a long 'metallic' noise before all contact ceased. The plane never arrived at its destination, nor did a thorough visual and radio search discover what had actually happened. The plane was equipped with a standard radio survival beacon, thus the radio search, however no signal was ever received (24). The following day an oil slick north of King Island was observed although no connection with Valentich's plane could be made (either way.) Former NASA-contracted research scientist, Dr Richard Haines, concluded that this metallic noise which followed the last transmission contained "36 separate bursts with fairly constant start and stop pulses bounding each one; there are no discernible patterns in time or frequency." (25).
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