Alien Conspiracy Theories

Buy the Violations Book is a free, online version of the above book with added images, while the book version is available for purchase with some additional chapters. Click on START icon below to read the free online version or the link at the foot of each page to purchase a paperback or Kindle digital copy. Thank-you.

Violations provides an alternate world history exploring conspiracy theories from ancient history, the lost city of Atlantis to the most popular conspiracy theories and UFO sightings. It's about one of the most famous conspiracy theories that has gripped our planet for tens of thousands of years. The clues are startling; and ancient map of Antarctica before it was covered by ice, scientific evidence that the Sphinx was carved thousands of years before the first acknowledged civilisation, geological evidence of a world catastrophe 12,000 years ago, and detailed memos from the FBI confirming UFO sightings and the mind blowing confessions of a US military chief that our recent technological advances are the result of the reverse engineering of alien technologies.

The content of this website started as jottings from reading and other research undertaken as a hobby/interest about answering puzzles in respect of Earth's alternative history. And the information collected grew. And grew. Then, after a number of years, it stopped growing and started collecting dust. More recently I decided that the information, whether accepted or rejected by its readers, should be made available to a wider audience to stimulate discussion, debate and to distil what has been collated so far into something that further reflects the truth. This is not a commercial enterprise, nor the promotion of a type of belief. Certainly, some of the topics covered are not "mainstream" but then mainstream has never been able to resolve certain historical puzzles - thus the start of the project.

Buy the Violations Book

The information presented comes from a wide range of sources; some academic, some popular, some personal. Hopefully everything that is presented is fact, but we would willingly jettison whole sections of this work should opposing verifiable facts be produced. The truth is more important than any piece of this work. Please contact us through this site with new/additional/conflicting information with source references. The VIOLATIONS website is keen to publish new 'alternative world history material'. Become part of this community by 'publishing' your articles here on this site. Simply click on CONTACT and attach your referenced material. Any other thoughts, views or other feedback will be similarly welcomed. Be part of this endeavour. You can now buy a copy of this book in either paperback or Kindle formats by clicking on the Amazon links above.

  Redating the Egypt Timeline

Main sections of this site:

A Hidden Legacy

Explore forgotton clues scattered throughout history that are suggestive
of an alternative history.

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Quest for Atlantis
Atlantis Theories

Join the world-wide search for
evidence of a lost civilisation that
predates known history.

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Lethal Cocktail
Alien Interstellar Space Travel

Has Earth already been contacted by
other civilisations either in the distant
past or in recent centuries?

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Hidden Conflicts
Nazi UFOs

A discussion of the emergence of
advanced technologies and the bizarre
invasion of Antarctica after WWII.

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Alien Surveillance
Unidentified Flying Objects

A discussion of sightings of UFOs in the
sky above Earth and within the solar
system, including Moon anomalies.

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Do Aliens Exist?
Area 51 Secrets

Evidence the Earth has been visited by extraterrestrials and how the public had been subject to disinformation.

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Violations Credits

A list of credits and sources for
the themes and issues explored
in Violations.

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Violations is now available to purchase in
paperback or Kindle versions complete
with exclusive additional content!

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